
The Wild Unknown Tarot deck

Um bókina Kim Krans is not only a vanguard of the new tarot movement, but the person who is redefining it for the twenty-first century. Kim is a visionary artist, author, and creator of The New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot.Krans received her BFA in drawing at Cooper Union in NYC, MFA in mixed media at Hunter College, and an MA in depth psychology and creativity at Pacifica Graduat…
Um bókina Kim Krans is not only a vanguard of the new tarot movement, but the person who is redefining it for the twenty-first century. Kim is a visionary artist, author, and creator of The New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot.Krans received her BFA in drawing at Cooper Union in NYC, MFA in mixed media at Hunter College, and an MA in depth psychology and creativity at Pacifica Graduate Institute in California. Her seeker's heart has brought her to study in-depth practices of yoga and shamanism in India, Africa, Europe, and the UK. Kim teaches events and workshops that activate the forces of creativity and radical transformation through art, meditation, mysticism, and movement.

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