
Snagi brass | Flora Ginko

Old technique, new designs This pretty much sums up the collection of brass accessories by Doing Goods. 100% recycled All the brass goods are handmade in India and made from 100% recycled brass. Each piece is the result of an indulgence in traditional techniques, patience and love for the artisanal craft. Perfect by no means, but unique all the more! Ancient methods All the brass homewares are cr…
Old technique, new designs This pretty much sums up the collection of brass accessories by Doing Goods. 100% recycled All the brass goods are handmade in India and made from 100% recycled brass. Each piece is the result of an indulgence in traditional techniques, patience and love for the artisanal craft. Perfect by no means, but unique all the more! Ancient methods All the brass homewares are created according to ancient methods by craftsman. First a wax model of the design is created by hand, then a mould is shaped around this wax model and afterwards filled with molten brass.

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  • Mixmix
    Mixmix Reykjavík 894 3045 Langholtsvegi 62, 104 Reykjavík

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