


Soft materials for the home.

The sisters' lovely rug is made of cotton and measures 120 x 50 cm. Both Anna and Clara like to use soft materials in their home décor. This lovely rug combines both of their tastes wonderfully. "Adding a dash of colour to subtle elegance is simply delightful," Anna smiles. "Add it to your hallway as a colourful welcome to your guests or let it bring beauty an…

Soft materials for the home.

The sisters' lovely rug is made of cotton and measures 120 x 50 cm. Both Anna and Clara like to use soft materials in their home décor. This lovely rug combines both of their tastes wonderfully. "Adding a dash of colour to subtle elegance is simply delightful," Anna smiles. "Add it to your hallway as a colourful welcome to your guests or let it bring beauty and soft cosiness to your living room or bedroom."

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  • Söstrene Grene
    Söstrene Grene 544 2440 Fleiri en ein verslun

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