
OzOil Ear drops 30ml


Our dog ear drops contain tea tree oil, which will help to keep your dog’s ears clean and free from waxy build-up. Tea tree oil has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it an integral part of our ear drops for dogs.
How to Administer Ear Drops to a Dog
Using our tea tree oil dog ear drops could not be simpler. To administer the ear drops, tilt the animal’…

Our dog ear drops contain tea tree oil, which will help to keep your dog’s ears clean and free from waxy build-up. Tea tree oil has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it an integral part of our ear drops for dogs.
How to Administer Ear Drops to a Dog
Using our tea tree oil dog ear drops could not be simpler. To administer the ear drops, tilt the animal’s head to one side and place 4 drops in each ear. For ease, this can be done when your pet is already laying down.
If your pet suffers from bad ear wax build-up, use the ear drops daily for 10 days, or use weekly as a general ear cleaner for your dog.
Available in only in 30ml size

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