
MAZE Coat Rack Tree


Fast Delivery. We strive to deliver the product as soon as possible. We have this item on our warehouse in Iceland, and we can deliver on 24 hours in the capital area, or we are shipping the same day if you live out of the capital area. There is no extra cost in the Fast Delivery Service.
|Tree Hanger is the perfect clothes hanger for big families or places where you need man…

Fast Delivery. We strive to deliver the product as soon as possible. We have this item on our warehouse in Iceland, and we can deliver on 24 hours in the capital area, or we are shipping the same day if you live out of the capital area. There is no extra cost in the Fast Delivery Service.
|Tree Hanger is the perfect clothes hanger for big families or places where you need many hooks. You can't miss it due to its eye catching design. It's made of recycled metal wire.

Swedish Maze has made minimalistic and functional interior design for homes all over the globe since 2003. All production takes place in Sweden and in collaboration with Swedish craftsmen, which enables quality control of production and awareness about environmental impact - from idea to final product. It's all in line with the "Slow Production" vision, producing and offering long-lasting design, made by professionals with decent wages and healthy working conditions that minimize our environmental imprint.

Material: Powder coated metal wire
Manufactured: Sweden
Designer: Louise Hederström
Dimensions: Width: 880mm Depth: 120mm Height: 1500mm

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