
MOULIN ROTY Guitar “Le voyage d'Olga”


This 6-string guitar will introduce your child to music. This musical instrument features a beautiful fox and colorful feathers. Ideal for developing your little one's motor skills.

Moulin Roty has been a well-known French brand in the world of childhood for more than 45 years. In 1972, a group of friends decided to share a common way of life by restyling vintage toys that were once made b…

This 6-string guitar will introduce your child to music. This musical instrument features a beautiful fox and colorful feathers. Ideal for developing your little one's motor skills.

Moulin Roty has been a well-known French brand in the world of childhood for more than 45 years. In 1972, a group of friends decided to share a common way of life by restyling vintage toys that were once made by their father or grandfather. Step by step, a whole universe of softness and colors was created and Moulin Roty became a major toy brand. Moulin Roty focuses on emotion and quality, inventing characters, games and toys and telling stories for all those who keep their childhood soul. You can discover their range of products through their well-known collections.

Collection : Le voyage d'Olga
Dimension : 53 cm
Material(s) : Wood, plastic, metal
Suitable age(s) : 3+
Average Delivery Time: 1-4 weeks.

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