
Mybo ARMHLÍFAR 719724 Mybo AG12 Adult Armguard - Grey

Armhlifar fyrir börn og fullorðna The 'AG' series bracers are of longer length designed for new archers who need extra protection around the bicep as well as the forearm. The AG9 is the 9" junior version, designed for children. The AG12 is the 12" adult version. Features Elesticated and adjustable straps Extra long for bicep protection.
Armhlifar fyrir börn og fullorðna The 'AG' series bracers are of longer length designed for new archers who need extra protection around the bicep as well as the forearm. The AG9 is the 9" junior version, designed for children. The AG12 is the 12" adult version. Features Elesticated and adjustable straps Extra long for bicep protection.

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