
Long skirt


Depeche leðurpils

Efnislýsing: 100% leður.

Nánari lýsing: ,,Long skirt in soft and delicious leather quality. The skirt has a simple basic look, which allows it to be styled for everyday and party. The skirt has elasticated waist, which gives a nice waist and figure."

- Regular / loose fitting

- Under-knee model

Depeche leðurpils

Efnislýsing: 100% leður.

Nánari lýsing: ,,Long skirt in soft and delicious leather quality. The skirt has a simple basic look, which allows it to be styled for everyday and party. The skirt has elasticated waist, which gives a nice waist and figure."

- Regular / loose fitting

- Under-knee model

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