
Kertahús URBANIA H10,5 light house

For those cosy, dark winter evenings we are launching this architectural gem in the Urbania range of beautiful, unique light houses. This little light house, Smithy, is inspired by warehouses in 1920s New York and creates special, beautiful light silhouettes with the many small, hand-carved windows in various sizes. Place several light houses together on a window ledge, in small groups on a table…
For those cosy, dark winter evenings we are launching this architectural gem in the Urbania range of beautiful, unique light houses. This little light house, Smithy, is inspired by warehouses in 1920s New York and creates special, beautiful light silhouettes with the many small, hand-carved windows in various sizes. Place several light houses together on a window ledge, in small groups on a table or shelf, adding a wonderful ambience to any room. Stærð: Width: 70mm  |  Height: 105mm

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