
Púði KNOT Ragnheiður Ösp, grár

Design House Stockholm
This design cushion has a atypic and malleable forms which invites to a visual and tactile experience. This curious creation, made of fabric tubes, will enhance your interior. To put on a couch or a bed, this cushion bets on the surprise and the comfort: a good decorative accessory in the contemporary interior ! Stærð: 30 x 15 cm Litur: Grey Efniviður: 50% wood, 50% acrylic / Inside : polyester 3…
This design cushion has a atypic and malleable forms which invites to a visual and tactile experience. This curious creation, made of fabric tubes, will enhance your interior. To put on a couch or a bed, this cushion bets on the surprise and the comfort: a good decorative accessory in the contemporary interior ! Stærð: 30 x 15 cm Litur: Grey Efniviður: 50% wood, 50% acrylic / Inside : polyester 30° wash

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