
Spegill FLIP grár

Normann Copenhagen
Creating a simple mirror that offers a little bit more, was the ambition of the Spanish design studio, Javier Moreno Studio, creators of Flip. Flip is inspired by the traditional dressing table where one can check ones appearance in the mirror and at the same time keep all the small items that are nice to have close at hand before leaving the house.Place Flip on a chest of drawers in the hallway …
Creating a simple mirror that offers a little bit more, was the ambition of the Spanish design studio, Javier Moreno Studio, creators of Flip. Flip is inspired by the traditional dressing table where one can check ones appearance in the mirror and at the same time keep all the small items that are nice to have close at hand before leaving the house.Place Flip on a chest of drawers in the hallway or use it as a make-up mirror in the bedroom.

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