
Q²M LeatherSet Strong 200ml


Q²M Leather Set Strong is the complete solution combining Q²M LeatherCleaner Strong, a powerful pre-coating leather cleaner and Q² LeatherCoat to achieve the ideal leather maintenance & protection solution. Q²M Leather Strong ensures the removal of deep dirt, oil residue and provides best preparation for coating. Q² LeatherCoat ensures a long-lasting matte clean surface and makes future …

Q²M Leather Set Strong is the complete solution combining Q²M LeatherCleaner Strong, a powerful pre-coating leather cleaner and Q² LeatherCoat to achieve the ideal leather maintenance & protection solution. Q²M Leather Strong ensures the removal of deep dirt, oil residue and provides best preparation for coating. Q² LeatherCoat ensures a long-lasting matte clean surface and makes future maintenance easier against contamination.

BOX CONTAINS: Q²M LeatherCleaner Strong 200ml / Q² LeatherCoat 120ml / Q²M LeatherBrush / Q²M MF Applicator / microfibre

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