
Herðaplast fjölnota


Herðatré fyrir þurrgalla og köfunarvesti

Extremely robust, equipment hanger, suitable for storing suit, B.C.D., regulator, octopus, hoses etc. Ends can be reversed to allow hanging of B.C.D., suit or other equipment as desired. With INT/A-Clamp and DIN regulator 1st Stage attachments for convenient storage of complete regulator assemblies, DIN has removeable cap, also has corrugat…

Herðatré fyrir þurrgalla og köfunarvesti

Extremely robust, equipment hanger, suitable for storing suit, B.C.D., regulator, octopus, hoses etc. Ends can be reversed to allow hanging of B.C.D., suit or other equipment as desired. With INT/A-Clamp and DIN regulator 1st Stage attachments for convenient storage of complete regulator assemblies, DIN has removeable cap, also has corrugated section for hoses to be neatly arranged, Royal Blue Colour.

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  • Hafsport
    Hafsport ehf 620 5544 Skemmuvegi 4 blá gata, 200 Kópavogi

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