
MK Dynasty skautablöð - Synchro

Skautablöð fyrir Synchro dans.

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Designed in conjunction with 25x U.S. Champion Haydenettes, this blade enhances performance to keep pace with the ever-growing demands of the sport. The MK Dynasty features: Increased stanchion height – because boot clearance equals deeper edges. Hybrid heel length – that finds middle ground between dancer foot pl…

Skautablöð fyrir Synchro dans.

Umsögn framleiðenda:


Designed in conjunction with 25x U.S. Champion Haydenettes, this blade enhances performance to keep pace with the ever-growing demands of the sport. The MK Dynasty features: Increased stanchion height – because boot clearance equals deeper edges. Hybrid heel length – that finds middle ground between dancer foot placement and freestyle dynamics. Legendary pick configuration – for a confident anchor when you place the toe. Elegantly redesigned stanchions -enhance the pointed toe aesthetic.The Dynasty will perform as the best synchronized blade on the market and is versatile enough to be used in everyday individual training as well.

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  • Pollýanna 419 3535 Smiðjuvegi 74, 200 Kópavogi

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