
Sepai, V6.4 Firming

SEPAI skincare
Improves firmness by compacting the surface skin cells. Effective on dry skin for both face and body. Firming effect and improves proteins productions. Recommended for all skin types, to improve firmness and compactness. Avoid for oily skins, V6.11 is the perfect substitute. Body and face extract. Face:4 ml, Body: 12 ml
Improves firmness by compacting the surface skin cells. Effective on dry skin for both face and body. Firming effect and improves proteins productions. Recommended for all skin types, to improve firmness and compactness. Avoid for oily skins, V6.11 is the perfect substitute. Body and face extract. Face:4 ml, Body: 12 ml

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  • Madison Ilmhús
    Madison Ilmhús 571 7800 Aðalstræti 9, 101 Reykjavík

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