
Moisture Lock Tan Extender Aftersun


Næringarríkt rakakrem sem inniheldur bæði Aloe Vera og E-vítamín.

By applying a Tan Extender, your skin will be kept soft, smooth and healthy after a day at the beach. This will also encourage a longer-lasting, healthy, golden glow, making it perfect for holding onto that post-holiday sunkiss.

  • Australian Native Tea Tree Oil - Used to help provide powerful antioxidant properties to…

Næringarríkt rakakrem sem inniheldur bæði Aloe Vera og E-vítamín.

By applying a Tan Extender, your skin will be kept soft, smooth and healthy after a day at the beach. This will also encourage a longer-lasting, healthy, golden glow, making it perfect for holding onto that post-holiday sunkiss.

  • Australian Native Tea Tree Oil - Used to help provide powerful antioxidant properties to gently cleanse for smooth skin
  • Specially Formulated - PABA free, dye free, alcohol-free and gluten free.

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  • Sólbaðsstofan Sælan
    Sólbaðsstofan Sælan 544 2424 Fleiri en ein verslun

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