
Ilmkerti Bridgewater | Orange & Vanilla #notjustacandle

Use and Care: - Burn within sight - Always trim wick to 1/4 in before lighting candle - Keep candle on a level surface away from drafts - Allow the wax to pool to the edge of the glass before extinguishing the flame - Avoid dropping debris, such as wick trimmings, into the wax - Extinguish the candle when your wax level reaches 1/4 inch
Use and Care: - Burn within sight - Always trim wick to 1/4 in before lighting candle - Keep candle on a level surface away from drafts - Allow the wax to pool to the edge of the glass before extinguishing the flame - Avoid dropping debris, such as wick trimmings, into the wax - Extinguish the candle when your wax level reaches 1/4 inch

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  • Mixmix
    Mixmix Reykjavík 894 3045 Langholtsvegi 62, 104 Reykjavík

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