
Empyrean Tear Eyrnalokkar - Rauðir


Tears of grief from the eye of God, shed for humanity as He looks down upon us from the Heavens.

Dazzle in these stunning 'Swarovski' embellished droppers. Created in colours to compliment any of your beautiful Alchemy Necklaces or Chokers!

A pair of pewter-mounted dropper earrings of red Swarovski crystal tears.

On surgical steel ear-wires.

Ekki er hægt að skila eða …

Tears of grief from the eye of God, shed for humanity as He looks down upon us from the Heavens.

Dazzle in these stunning 'Swarovski' embellished droppers. Created in colours to compliment any of your beautiful Alchemy Necklaces or Chokers!

A pair of pewter-mounted dropper earrings of red Swarovski crystal tears.

On surgical steel ear-wires.

Ekki er hægt að skila eða skipta eyrnalokkum, sorry

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  • Rokk & Rómantík
    Rokk & Rómantík 445 4000 Laugavegi 62, 101 Reykjavík

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