
Blush Classic Jewellery Box Lid


Stackers jewellery boxes are cleverly designed so you can create your own by choosing which layers and accessories best suit your jewellery collection.
No more losing earrings or tangling necklaces! The Classic Jewellery Box Lid is the perfect starting point to your jewellery box or as a stand-alone piece on your dresser.
Keep your favourite jewellery safe and beautifully org…

Stackers jewellery boxes are cleverly designed so you can create your own by choosing which layers and accessories best suit your jewellery collection.
No more losing earrings or tangling necklaces! The Classic Jewellery Box Lid is the perfect starting point to your jewellery box or as a stand-alone piece on your dresser.
Keep your favourite jewellery safe and beautifully organised with versatile compartments for your rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets.
As your collection grows, simply add whichever layers best suit your collection, whether you need more space for necklaces, rings or charms, you'll find a layer to suit!

Dimensions: 18 x 25 x 4.2cm

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