
Leone Shock Plus Pro Boxhanskar - Hvítir


Top of the range in this collection, Shock Plus gloves have been designed for professional boxer matches. The horsehair padding allows to punch decisive strokes, at full power.

  • Features
    • Closure: Laces
    • Disciplines: Box
    • Gender: Unisex
    • Glove's back material: Buffalo leather/cotton…
  • Top of the range in this collection, Shock Plus gloves have been designed for professional boxer matches. The horsehair padding allows to punch decisive strokes, at full power.

  • Features
    • Closure: Laces
    • Disciplines: Box
    • Gender: Unisex
    • Glove's back material: Buffalo leather/cotton
    • Glove's palm material: Buffalo leather
    • Padding: 50% Horse hair, 25% EVA, 25% PU
  • Verslaðu hér

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