
Wynn´s Chain Lube, 500ml

Chain Lube Wynn's Chain Lube is a strongly adhesive water repellent lubricant with high penetrating properties. Outstanding lubricating, adhesive and penetration power. Is water repellent. Protects against rust and corrosion. Retards friction and wear. Prevents dirt accumulation and deposits. Resists mud, cold, hot or salt water. Prevents seizing of mechanisms. Does not conduct electricity. Preve…
Chain Lube Wynn's Chain Lube is a strongly adhesive water repellent lubricant with high penetrating properties. Outstanding lubricating, adhesive and penetration power. Is water repellent. Protects against rust and corrosion. Retards friction and wear. Prevents dirt accumulation and deposits. Resists mud, cold, hot or salt water. Prevents seizing of mechanisms. Does not conduct electricity. Prevents squeaking and creaking. Applications Treats mechanisms whose lubrication is either not easy or not continuous: motorcycles and bicycle chains, chain saws tools for workshops, DIY, agriculture a.s.o. lever mechanisms, locks, hinges, sash-windows, doors cables, worm gears, Bowden cables, gears, chain conveyors, joint links. Directions Remove lubricant or dirt residues by means of a product like WYNN'S BRAKE AND CLUTCH CLEANER. Spray on elements to lubricate only. Let the solvent evaporate. Do not add Wynn's Chain Lube to engine oil.

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