
Úrrekasett í stálboxi 5 stk.

Parallel Pin P Sets of Parallel Pin Punches   Art. No. 425 160 0 Sets of punches without handguard includes 6 pieces: dia. 3 mm/4 mm/5 mm/6 mm/8 mm/10 mm Choose between plastic stand, plastic case, or metal case Sets of punches with handguard includes 5 pieces: dia. 2 mm/3 mm/4 mm/5 mm/6 mm, only in plastic case “Exclusive” pin punches powder coated in different colours, “Standard” pin punches go…
Parallel Pin P Sets of Parallel Pin Punches   Art. No. 425 160 0 Sets of punches without handguard includes 6 pieces: dia. 3 mm/4 mm/5 mm/6 mm/8 mm/10 mm Choose between plastic stand, plastic case, or metal case Sets of punches with handguard includes 5 pieces: dia. 2 mm/3 mm/4 mm/5 mm/6 mm, only in plastic case “Exclusive” pin punches powder coated in different colours, “Standard” pin punches gold dip coated Tools in question relate to DIN 6450   Art. No. Model Version Colour Weight PU 425 560 6 RC Plastic stand Exclusive multicoloured 520 1 425 560 6 Exclusive red 520 1 425 170 0 Standard gold 520 1 425 500 6 RC Plastic case Exclusive multicoloured 560 1 425 500 6 Exclusive red 560 1 425 502 6 Exclusive with handguard red 570 1 425 150 0 Standard gold 560 1 425 152 0 Standard with handguard gold 570 1 425 530 6 RC Metal case Exclusive multicoloured 740 1 425 530 6 Exclusive red 740 1 425 160 0 Standard gold 740 1   unches

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