
Metal Conditioner - 200ml - 9999

MANNOL Metal Conditioner is a highly effective additive for engine oils that protects piston rings and hydro compensators against wear and negative corrosive influence by fuel combustion products. It contains exclusively oil-soluble components. The use of the additive increases resistance of the engine separate parts to wear and high-temperature corrosion, prevents the oil film from breaking, ens…
MANNOL Metal Conditioner is a highly effective additive for engine oils that protects piston rings and hydro compensators against wear and negative corrosive influence by fuel combustion products. It contains exclusively oil-soluble components. The use of the additive increases resistance of the engine separate parts to wear and high-temperature corrosion, prevents the oil film from breaking, ensures favourable friction conditions and guarantees reliable engine operation under difficult conditions. This product is mixable with any type of oil and is applicable in any petrol and diesel engine with a catalytic converter, turbocharger and without, both in passenger and commercial transport.

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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