
Loftkútur f. bremsuvökvaskipti

BGS Technic
Description air-assisted bleeding of brake and clutch systems brake fluid and compressed air is separated by a diaphragm pressure regulator and gauge for adjustment of working pressure (0 to 3 Bar) filling hose has a quick coupling for easy adaptor installation connection hose also comes with a quick coupling, 3.7 m length with safety valve dimensions: Ø 280 mm, height 460 mm 5-litre brake fluid …
Description air-assisted bleeding of brake and clutch systems brake fluid and compressed air is separated by a diaphragm pressure regulator and gauge for adjustment of working pressure (0 to 3 Bar) filling hose has a quick coupling for easy adaptor installation connection hose also comes with a quick coupling, 3.7 m length with safety valve dimensions: Ø 280 mm, height 460 mm 5-litre brake fluid reservoir comes with one adaptor E20 for most common brake systems

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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