
Ryðleysir - 450ml - 9932

MANNOL Rust Dissolver is an effective rust remover that has excellent anti-frictional properties. It is designed for wide use in all moving assembly mechanisms. Thanks to the quickly penetrating solvents contained within the composition it removes rust from threaded connections instantly. It favours a smooth operation and removes creaking for a long period of time. It displaces moisture from the …
MANNOL Rust Dissolver is an effective rust remover that has excellent anti-frictional properties. It is designed for wide use in all moving assembly mechanisms. Thanks to the quickly penetrating solvents contained within the composition it removes rust from threaded connections instantly. It favours a smooth operation and removes creaking for a long period of time. It displaces moisture from the spark plugs, which favours an easy start of moist engines. It ensures low friction thanks to a permanent lubrication based on molybdenum disulfide. This product does not harm rubber and plastic surfaces. Shake can well before use. Spray onto rusted screwed or articulated joint. The rusted connection can be loosened after 30 minutes.

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