

Smelltu HÉR til að skoða vöruna á heimasíðu framleiðanda.   Description: for cutting cables, stripping wire and crimping insulated and non-insulated terminals, connectors and plug type connectors with threaded holes for cutting copper and brass screws threaded M 2.6 / M 3 / M 3.5 / M 4 and M 5 bolted joint for higher stability and even movement Special steel, high-strength    No. 97 21 215 C   E…
Smelltu HÉR til að skoða vöruna á heimasíðu framleiðanda.   Description: for cutting cables, stripping wire and crimping insulated and non-insulated terminals, connectors and plug type connectors with threaded holes for cutting copper and brass screws threaded M 2.6 / M 3 / M 3.5 / M 4 and M 5 bolted joint for higher stability and even movement Special steel, high-strength    No. 97 21 215 C   EAN 4003773019701   Pliers burnished   Handles with multi-component grips   Applications non-insulated terminals and plug connectors   Capacity 0,5 - 6,0 mm²   AWG 20 - 10   Number of crimping positions 3 Length 230 mm Net weight 290 g             Call Send SMS Call from mobile Add to Skype You'll need Skype Credit Free via Skype

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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