
345 stk. Plastsmellur f. Citroen & Peugeot

BGS Technic
Download the PDF version - includes following clips: - 30x plastic nut,   comparable to Renault OE 7703074022,   Mercedes OE A108980027 - 50x push-type clip,   comparable to Volvo OE 947098,   Mercedes OE A0009903492, Peugeot OE 790307216 - 20x trim clip,   comparable to Peugoet & Citroen OE 856535 - 20x side molding clip,   comparable to Audi OE 357853575, Peugeot OE 6991W4 - 15x plug in cli…
Download the PDF version - includes following clips: - 30x plastic nut,   comparable to Renault OE 7703074022,   Mercedes OE A108980027 - 50x push-type clip,   comparable to Volvo OE 947098,   Mercedes OE A0009903492, Peugeot OE 790307216 - 20x trim clip,   comparable to Peugoet & Citroen OE 856535 - 20x side molding clip,   comparable to Audi OE 357853575, Peugeot OE 6991W4 - 15x plug in clip,   comparable to Peugoet & Citroen OE 698317 - 20x connecting clip,   suitable for general use on Citroen - 25x connecting clip,   comparable to Peugoet & Citroen OE 694143 - 35x connecting clip,   comparable to Peugoet OE 743707 - 25x molding clip,   comparable to Peugeot OE 699502 - 30x molding clip,   comparable to Peugeot OE 6995X3 - 40x molding clip,   comparable to Peugeot OE 69945 - 35x plug in clip,   comparable to Fiat OE 14188380, Renault OE 7703077059

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