
Bitasett 35 stk. HÁGÆÐA - FELO

Bit box, 35 pieces High quality 35 piece bit set from Felo . A high quality tool set which stands out in particular with its durability and good workmanship. Features: Handy size which is also perfect for mobile use, safe. Bits made of specially hardened high speed steel. Highest level of hardness and torque values far beyond DIN and ISO standards. There are five different drives to choose from:S…
Bit box, 35 pieces High quality 35 piece bit set from Felo . A high quality tool set which stands out in particular with its durability and good workmanship. Features: Handy size which is also perfect for mobile use, safe. Bits made of specially hardened high speed steel. Highest level of hardness and torque values far beyond DIN and ISO standards. There are five different drives to choose from:Slot (SL), inner hexagon (KT), crossover (pH), cross (PZ) and Torx (TX). The length of the bits is 25 mm wide, or 50 mm. The stable and splash-proof box protects this set and thus contributes to the longevity of the assortment. Technical details: Slotted head screws (SL): SL 4.5 x .0 x 25 mm/SL 5.5 x .0 x 25 mm/SL 6.5 x .0 x 25 mm. Cross (pH):PH 0 x 25 mm/PH  x 25 mm (2x)/PH 2 x 25 mm (2x)/PH 3 x 25 mm/PH 2 x 50 mm. Cross (PZ):PZ  x 25 mm (2x)/PZ 2 x 25 mm/PZ 3 x 25 mm (3x)/PZ  x 50 mm/PZ 2 x 50 mm. Hexagonal socket (6-KT):Set of 6 3 x 25 mm/6 - 4 x 25 mm & 5/6 x 25 mm. Torx (TX):Torx 5 x 25 mm/Torx 6 x 25 mm/Torx, 7 x 25 mm/Torx 8 x 25 mm/Torx 0 x 25 mm/Torx 5 x 25 mm/Torx  x 25 mm/Torx 25 x 25 mm/Torx 30 x 25 mm/Torx, 40 x 25 mm/Torx  x 50 mm/Torx 25 x 50 mm/Torx 30 x 50 mm. Extension. 50 mm. Sturdy, splash-proof box dimensions: 3.3 x 7.5 x 3.8 cm (L x W x H). Box contents: x bit set, 35 pieces.

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