
2 x Rafhlaða D - LR20 - 1.5V Alkaline

Most advanced long lasting energy With its long lasting power, the PRO POWER D batteries are highly adequate for high and medium drain appliances. With these batteries, you can use devices such as high-energy camera strobes, radio-controlled cars and torches for a very long time. The batteries are available as 2-pack. Technology of the alkaline battery at its best Gas-suppression technology for a…
Most advanced long lasting energy With its long lasting power, the PRO POWER D batteries are highly adequate for high and medium drain appliances. With these batteries, you can use devices such as high-energy camera strobes, radio-controlled cars and torches for a very long time. The batteries are available as 2-pack. Technology of the alkaline battery at its best Gas-suppression technology for anti-leak protection Off course, you want your valuable devices to be protected from damage. The advanced Anti-Leak protection featured in Panasonic Pro Power D cells guarantee that gas build-up is suppressed, which could happen when a battery is over-discharged or stored for a long period. Less pressure means less chance of structural failure and rupture, thus protecting your devices. Long preservation of performance High power performance is maintained by the Panasonic Pro Power D batteries – even after very long periods in storage. This is because of the Anti-Leak-Protection, which minimizes the chance of leakage, thus ensuring long-life stability before using the battery. In the meantime, high-quality materials also work to prevent degradation. Continuous energy flow Enhanced energy flow and longer life are assured by the Triple Tough Coating technology in the PRO POWER D batteries. In regular batteries, contact resistance on the terminals can build up and cause the nickel layer to partially peel off and the battery to fail. Triple Tough Coating solves this with an iron/nickel-plated alloy on the positive and negative terminals of the batteries.

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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