
Prufuverkfæri fyrir "dual mass" svinghjól

BGS Technic
Description suitable for testing of freeplay angle and the clearance on dual mass flywheels (DMF), a checking of the flywheel is recommend because a worn or defective DMF can damage the new clutch test can be performed directly on the vehicles if the clutch has been removed scope of delivery: 2 different claws for locking the flywheel rotary angle disc with holder dial indicator with holder assem…
Description suitable for testing of freeplay angle and the clearance on dual mass flywheels (DMF), a checking of the flywheel is recommend because a worn or defective DMF can damage the new clutch test can be performed directly on the vehicles if the clutch has been removed scope of delivery: 2 different claws for locking the flywheel rotary angle disc with holder dial indicator with holder assembly / measuring bolt twist lever Technical data Gross weight 3100 g

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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