
2-þátta sérhannað líma | STÁL | hylki 10 g

Description 2-Component cyanacrylate-based adhesive Best adhesive properties on many different materials: metal, many plastics, steel, aluminium, stainless steel, rubber, porous/absorbent materials application in vehicle construction and industrial areas thixotropic  Drip free Extremely impact resistant Mechanically editable applications overhead and in vertical locations Good chemical resistance…
Description 2-Component cyanacrylate-based adhesive Best adhesive properties on many different materials: metal, many plastics, steel, aluminium, stainless steel, rubber, porous/absorbent materials application in vehicle construction and industrial areas thixotropic  Drip free Extremely impact resistant Mechanically editable applications overhead and in vertical locations Good chemical resistance incl. 3 mixing tubes, additional tubes BGS 80603-1 can be ordered separately   colour: grey Mix ratio: 4:1 Processing time: approx. 35 minutes temperature resistance: -40 °C to +80 °C, short-term up to +120 °C Processing temperature: from -25 °C Filling capacity: up to 6 mm Technical data Gross weight 40 g

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæri.is 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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