
Tung olía

Tung oil (Tung Ólia) is obtained by pressing the seed from the nut of the tung tree. It works great in most of its applications such as wood finishing, as well as in the thinning of oil paints and printing inks. When applied in many fine coats over wood, tung oil slowly cures to a satin "wetted wood" look with a slight golden tint.
Tung oil (Tung Ólia) is obtained by pressing the seed from the nut of the tung tree. It works great in most of its applications such as wood finishing, as well as in the thinning of oil paints and printing inks. When applied in many fine coats over wood, tung oil slowly cures to a satin "wetted wood" look with a slight golden tint.

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  • Art supplies 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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