
MASKOL masking medium fyrir vatnsliti

Maskol is a latex-based masking fluid intended to use with watercolours and gouache. Used as a first step in a watercolour painting, it separates and covers intended areas of the work, preventing them from being painted over. When thoroughly dried, Maskol is completely removable with a light rub over areas of application.
Please note:
This product formula is based on natural latex; theref…
Maskol is a latex-based masking fluid intended to use with watercolours and gouache. Used as a first step in a watercolour painting, it separates and covers intended areas of the work, preventing them from being painted over. When thoroughly dried, Maskol is completely removable with a light rub over areas of application.
Please note:
This product formula is based on natural latex; therefore, it might cause allergic reactions.

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  • Art supplies 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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