


The RENESANS vegetable brush soap is a neutral soap for brush cleaning. It has conditioning properties, ultimately increasing the longevity of your brushes. A convenient plastic jar gives easy access to the product and prevents the soap from spreading around the working area.
When washing your brushes, we advise you always to use a small amount of water, so the brushes crimp is not su…

The RENESANS vegetable brush soap is a neutral soap for brush cleaning. It has conditioning properties, ultimately increasing the longevity of your brushes. A convenient plastic jar gives easy access to the product and prevents the soap from spreading around the working area.
When washing your brushes, we advise you always to use a small amount of water, so the brushes crimp is not submerged, as this might lead to the dissolution of the glue and compromise the longevity of your brushes. For the same reason, we highly advocate lying paintbrushes flat on a paper towel or a piece of cloth when drying them.

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  • Art supplies 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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