
Olíulitur OILS FOR ART 60 ml


Oil paints are made with pigment that is suspended in a binder. Renesans uses the finest linseed and safflower oil as a binder. These are plant-based, all natural and nontoxic.

Oils for Art are unique artist grade paints produced with a sophisticated manufacturing process to meet the highest standards. They contain the best quality of traditional artist’s pigments. Additionally, there are se…

Oil paints are made with pigment that is suspended in a binder. Renesans uses the finest linseed and safflower oil as a binder. These are plant-based, all natural and nontoxic.

Oils for Art are unique artist grade paints produced with a sophisticated manufacturing process to meet the highest standards. They contain the best quality of traditional artist’s pigments. Additionally, there are several newly developed pigments. All of these are highly concentrated.

Opacity and glazing properties

The opacity of a pigmented colour is not only depending on the thickness of the colour application but also on the kind and concentration of the pigment as well as on the kind binder in the colour. all colours have been submitted to the same testing method: satndardized application on black and white striped saturated base. this allows a classification with the following 4 symbols:

opaque Semi-opaque Semi-transparent transparent


This describes the durability of a colour in daylight. A number of influencing factors play a role too, like intensity of sunlight, temperature, moisture, oxygen or gas content of the air.

8 - Excellent 7 - Very good 6 - Good

Color Index and Pigments names

The Color Index system is an international standard to denominate dyes and pigments. A combination of letters and numbers indicate the colour category. For example: PO 20, means Pigment Orange 20. Color Index names are: PW (Pigment White) / PY (Pigment Yellow) / PO (Pigment Orange) / PR (Pigment Red) / PV (Pigment Violet) / PB (Pigment Blue) / PG (Pigment Green) / PBr (Pigment Brown) / PBk (Pigment Black).

01. Zinc White 02. Titanium White 04. Naples Yellow Light

05. Naples yellow red 06. Naples yellow deep 07. Zinc yellow

08. Yellow ultramarine 09. Cadmium lemon 10. Cadmium yellow (hue)

11. Cadmium yellow deep 12. Cadmium orange (hue) 13. Yellow ochre

14. Transparent gold ochre 15. Raw sienna 16. Light vermilion

17. Deep vermilion 18. Scarlet vermilion 19. Saturn red

20. Carmine 21. Pozzuoli red 22. Burnt sienna

23. Magenta lak 24. Alizarin madder lake 25. Geranium lake

26. Violet lake 27. Mnieral violet 28. Royal blue

29. Phthalo blue 30. Coeruleum 31.Mediterranean blue

32. Cobalt blue pale (hue) 33. Cobalt blue deep (hue) 34. Ultramarine

35. Prussian blue 36. Cinnabar green light 37. Cinnabar green deep

38. Paolo Veronese green 39. Permanent green 40. Emerald green (hue)

41. Hooker's green 42. Golden green 43. Olive green

44. Verona green earth 45. Raw umber 46. Burnt umber

47. Van Dycke brown 48. Pearl grey 49. Ivory black

50. Vine black 51. Higlighting titanium white 52. Titanium fast-drying white

53. Titanium white concentrate 54. Nickeltitanium yellow 55. Gamboge (hue)

56. Flesh tint light 57. Flesh tint deep 58. Flesh tint reddish

59. Indian yellow 60. Yellow lake 61. Bright rose

62. Rose dore madder lake 63. Crimson lake 64. Turquoise

65. Periwinkle 66. Paris blue 67. Indigo

68. Berlin blue 69. Green lake deep 70. Green lake light

71. Sap green 72. Bohemian green earth 73. Renesans green

74. Burnt green earth 75. Chromium oxide green 76. English red

77. Mars brown 78. Caput mortuum 79. Polish brown

80. Mars orange 81. Stil de grain brown 82. Munich lake

83. Sinopia 84. Transparent brown 85. Sepia

86. Kassel earth 87. Payne's grey 88. Bitumen

89. Silver 90. Gold

01. Zinc White 02. Titanium White 03. Yellow Bright 04. Naples Yellow Light 05. Naples yellow red 06. Naples Yellow Deep 07. Zinc Yellow 08. Ultramarine Yellow 09. Cadmium Yellow Pale 10. Cadmium Yellow Medium (hue) 11. Cadmium yellow deep 12. Cadmium Yellow Orange 13. Yellow Ochre 14. Transparent Gold Ochre 15. Raw Siena 16. Vermilion Light 17. Vermilion Deep 18. Scarlet Vermilion 19. Saturn Red 20. Carmine 21. Pozzuoli Red 22. Burnt Siena 23. Magenta Lake 24. Alizarin Madder Lake 25. Geranium Lake 26. Violet Lake 27. Mineral Violet 28. Royal Blue 29. Cyan Blue 30. Coeruleum Blue 31. Mediteranean Blue 32. Cobalt Blue Light 33. Cobalt Blue Deep 34. Ultramarine 35. Prussian Blue 36. Cinnabar Green Light 37. Cinnabar Green Deep 38. Veronese Green 39. Permanent Green 40. Emerald Green 41. Hookers Green 42. Golden Green 43. Olive Green 44. Verona Terre Verte 45. Raw Umber 46. Burnt Umber 47. Van Dyck Brown 48. Pearl Grey 49. Ivory Black 50. Carbon Black 53. Titanium Extraconcentrate 54. Nickel Titanium Yellow 55. Gamboge 56. Flesh Tint Light 57. Flesh Tint Deep 58. Flesh Tint Reddish 59. Indian Yellow 60. Yellow Lake 61. Rose Bright 62. Golden Rose Lake 63. Carmine Lake 64. Turquoise 65. Pervinca 66. Paris Blue 67. Indigo 68. Berlin Blue 69. Green Lake Deep 70. Green Lake Light 71. Sap Green 72. Bohemian Green Earth 73. Green Renesans 74. Burnt Green Earth 75. Chromium Oxide Green 76. English Red 77. Mars Brown 78. Caput Mortuum 79. Polish Brown 80. Mars Orange 81. Stil De Grain Brown 82. Munich Lake 83. Sinopia 84. Transparent Brown 85. Sepia 86. Kassel Earth 87. Payne'S Grey 88. Bitume 89. Metallic Silver 90. Metallic Gold

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