
Akrýl litasett - 12 túpur af 20 ml


This acrylic paint set is a great choice when you are beginning your painting journey. It includes 12 small tubes of saturated and versatile colours, being one of our best value for money items.

Thanks to the application of special resin and pigments, these paints produce a compact matt layer, offer intensive colours, and have good resistance to light.

This acrylic paint set is a great choice when you are beginning your painting journey. It includes 12 small tubes of saturated and versatile colours, being one of our best value for money items.

Thanks to the application of special resin and pigments, these paints produce a compact matt layer, offer intensive colours, and have good resistance to light.

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  • Art supplies 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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