
OPST Commando 10' Sink Tip 10 ft - 110 gr - S9

OPST now offers single density 10' tips, completing your Pure Skagit system from hook to reel. Perfect for most switch rods, but certainly applicable on some full speys, trout spey, and single hand rods. Presenting your fly at the depth where fish are holding is one of the most important factors in successful fishing.  It's a fact that not every run calls for the fastest, heaviest sink tip. Riffl…
OPST now offers single density 10' tips, completing your Pure Skagit system from hook to reel. Perfect for most switch rods, but certainly applicable on some full speys, trout spey, and single hand rods. Presenting your fly at the depth where fish are holding is one of the most important factors in successful fishing.  It's a fact that not every run calls for the fastest, heaviest sink tip. Riffles and shallower runs can be just as important as deep holes, especially in high water. In such conditions, a shallower, yet still level, sink is the way to go. Commando Tips will make you a more complete angler by allowing you to choose, within a set grain weight, from between three different sink rates: Riffle, Run and Bucket, for shallow, medium and deep water, respectively. For our 80 grain tips, Riffle corresponds to S2, Run to S4 and Bucket to S6. For our 110 and 140 grain tips, Riffle is S3, Run is S6 and Bucket is S9. Those familiar with MOW tips will be able to choose from three different grain weights: 80 grain, 110 grain and 140 grain, (T8, T11 and T14 grains per foot) for use on 2 weight switch rods up to 9 weight two handers. Our Commando Tips fit perfectly into our OPST Sink Tip Wallet! Generally, we like the 10ft. tips on switch rods, but they are certainly applicable to the longer full spey rods, trout spey, and some single hand rods. Be sure to check out our line charts to further narrow an appropriate grain window for your rod. As always, there are exceptions to our recommendations based on personal preference and rod variances.

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  • Veiðihornið 568 8410 Síðumúla 8, 108 Reykjavík

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