
Tipton Glock Maintenance Mat 11 x 17

The perfect material to lay on your workbench while cleaning or disassembling firearms. Padded neoprene construction protects firearm finishes while helping keep track of small parts. Excess oils and solvents are absorbed into the mat, keeping the surface clean and dry. The Tipton® Maintenance Mat rolls easily to fit your range box. Hand washable.
The perfect material to lay on your workbench while cleaning or disassembling firearms. Padded neoprene construction protects firearm finishes while helping keep track of small parts. Excess oils and solvents are absorbed into the mat, keeping the surface clean and dry. The Tipton® Maintenance Mat rolls easily to fit your range box. Hand washable.

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  • Veiðihornið 568 8410 Síðumúla 8, 108 Reykjavík

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