
Samhæfð rafhlaða handverkfæra 20 V

The Gtech 20V Power Tool Battery has 100% compatibility with all our 20V Power Tool machines and charger. The UB001 (2.5Ah) battery pack uses the latest lithium-ion battery technology with its inherent characteristics of longer run-times and minimal self-discharge for higher productivity and less downtime. Each battery includes a state of charge indicator, to help you manage performance.
The Gtech 20V Power Tool Battery has 100% compatibility with all our 20V Power Tool machines and charger. The UB001 (2.5Ah) battery pack uses the latest lithium-ion battery technology with its inherent characteristics of longer run-times and minimal self-discharge for higher productivity and less downtime. Each battery includes a state of charge indicator, to help you manage performance.

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  • Gtech Ísland 571 4000 Skútuvogi 1f, 104 Reykjavík

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