


A natural touch

Anna and Clara have a fondness for natural materials and believe they bring a touch of warmth to their interior. "Bring nature into your home for a calming atmosphere filled with 'hygge'," Anna smiles. She likes to store her yarn in lovely baskets like this one, while Clara uses them for putting away blankets or other décor. "Place various baskets in different sizes together …

A natural touch

Anna and Clara have a fondness for natural materials and believe they bring a touch of warmth to their interior. "Bring nature into your home for a calming atmosphere filled with 'hygge'," Anna smiles. She likes to store her yarn in lovely baskets like this one, while Clara uses them for putting away blankets or other décor. "Place various baskets in different sizes together to create a wonderful display," she suggests. "It will look most decorative," Anna suggests. As the basket is made of natural materials, the sisters kindly note that it may vary slightly in size.

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