
Redington Prowler Pro 10 Gúmmísóli

The PROWLER-PRO WADING BOOTS are our premier wading boot, light enough to provide all-day comfort and built with exceptional performance for anglers who log countless hours on the water. We built upon the success of our tried-and-tested PROWLER wading boot by updating both materials and design to create a stronger, lighter, and less absorbent wading boot. Wade with confidence in the PROWLER-PRO W…
The PROWLER-PRO WADING BOOTS are our premier wading boot, light enough to provide all-day comfort and built with exceptional performance for anglers who log countless hours on the water. We built upon the success of our tried-and-tested PROWLER wading boot by updating both materials and design to create a stronger, lighter, and less absorbent wading boot. Wade with confidence in the PROWLER-PRO WADING BOOTS the next time you step in the river.

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  • Veiðihornið 568 8410 Síðumúla 8, 108 Reykjavík

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