
Rio Intouch Gold WF7F

RIO InTouch Gold has a taper design that gives incredible loop stability at distance and a front taper that delivers perfect presentation of flies between sizes #2 and #22. The ultra-low stretch ConnectCore provides groundbreaking levels of sensitivity for intuitively better cast timing, easier line lift and sharp, precise mends. Lack of stretch also means enhanced detection of subtle takes and f…
RIO InTouch Gold has a taper design that gives incredible loop stability at distance and a front taper that delivers perfect presentation of flies between sizes #2 and #22. The ultra-low stretch ConnectCore provides groundbreaking levels of sensitivity for intuitively better cast timing, easier line lift and sharp, precise mends. Lack of stretch also means enhanced detection of subtle takes and faster reaction time when setting the hook. The long head is ideal for the river fly fisher, and for controlling the fly at range. Perfect presentation of flies between #2 and #22 ConnectCore improves cast timing, hook set and mending Unique surefire color system for improved accuracy and distance control

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