
YOYO+ Bassinet - Ginger

  • Ultra-lightweight bassinet, 3 kg (6.7 lbs).
  • Ultra-compact, disassembles into two half-shells for optimal storage.
  • Comfortable and breathable 4.5 cm (1.8 in) thick double mattress.
  • Ventilated shell and canopy.
  • Semi-hard shell and enveloping foot cover.
  • Inner pockets to tuck away small items.
  • Anti-UV (UPF 50+) water-repellent fabric. …
  • Ultra-lightweight bassinet, 3 kg (6.7 lbs).
  • Ultra-compact, disassembles into two half-shells for optimal storage.
  • Comfortable and breathable 4.5 cm (1.8 in) thick double mattress.
  • Ventilated shell and canopy.
  • Semi-hard shell and enveloping foot cover.
  • Inner pockets to tuck away small items.
  • Anti-UV (UPF 50+) water-repellent fabric.

Verslaðu hér

  • Petit ehf barnavöruverslun 779 5513 Ármúla 23, 108 Reykjavík

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