
Kinetic Ice Auger 150mm

Kinetic Ice Auger will be your strongest compan ion. It’s made to last and would be a great servant for years even facing harsh conditions. 150mm Foldable You will be surprised how well these blades cut the ice. Even the Kinetic Ice Auger and the blades are really competitive in price you can still rely on the quality. 2pcs
Kinetic Ice Auger will be your strongest compan ion. It’s made to last and would be a great servant for years even facing harsh conditions. 150mm Foldable You will be surprised how well these blades cut the ice. Even the Kinetic Ice Auger and the blades are really competitive in price you can still rely on the quality. 2pcs

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  • Veiðihornið 568 8410 Síðumúla 8, 108 Reykjavík

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