
Baðhitamælir, giraffe BabyOno 776/02 Dhl-cargo

Features: Will help to safely and reliably reach and maintain the right temperature for the child's bath. The temperature is measured with paraffin, which is placed in a protective tube, so it is completely safe to use the thermometer. The temperature is easy to read on a large and clear scale. The thermometer floats in the water during bathing, so the temperature can be constantly checked and ad…
Features: Will help to safely and reliably reach and maintain the right temperature for the child's bath. The temperature is measured with paraffin, which is placed in a protective tube, so it is completely safe to use the thermometer. The temperature is easy to read on a large and clear scale. The thermometer floats in the water during bathing, so the temperature can be constantly checked and adjusted. The minimum room temperature in the bathroom must be 22 ° C (71.6 ° F) and the water temperature in the baby bath 37 ° C (98.6 ° C).

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