
Rúmgafl l:190 h:80cm - Rock

Make your bed look on point with a stylish, upholstered headboard. byNORD has designed Hesthoei to elegantly frame your bed with a light grey colour and give you the ultimate comfort as you sit and read a book. Thanks to a zipper at the back, the cover can be removed and washed. Pick a size that suits your needs and personal taste – one that frames your bed or an even wider one to frame both your…
Make your bed look on point with a stylish, upholstered headboard. byNORD has designed Hesthoei to elegantly frame your bed with a light grey colour and give you the ultimate comfort as you sit and read a book. Thanks to a zipper at the back, the cover can be removed and washed. Pick a size that suits your needs and personal taste – one that frames your bed or an even wider one to frame both your bed and nightstand. Mount the headboard on the wall and enjoy a bedroom with relaxed aesthetics. Material Plywood, Foam, Cotton, Polyester

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