


On/Off First interactive fibre
A new revolutionary concept in this ON/OFF MULTISPORT 1ST LAYER SHIRT. Its interactive ON/OFF fibre breathes with you and regulates your ventilation. Depending on the intensity of your workout.
Power On!
A steep climb in ski-mountaineering, intervals on the track, a vertical km, an ultra-trail with consistent change in pace, climbing a c…

On/Off First interactive fibre
A new revolutionary concept in this ON/OFF MULTISPORT 1ST LAYER SHIRT. Its interactive ON/OFF fibre breathes with you and regulates your ventilation. Depending on the intensity of your workout.
Power On!
A steep climb in ski-mountaineering, intervals on the track, a vertical km, an ultra-trail with consistent change in pace, climbing a col in the Alps by bike, acceleration during a rugby game, etc. You're at full throttle, in an intense workout, with a need for maximum ventilation. You need maximum, customized oxygenation.
Power Off!
You've arrived at the summit, your heart rate is slowing and your thoracic cage is decreasing in volume. You're slowing down or you're starting the descent. You need protection.

Size chart

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