
Backpack ULTRUN 140g Pack


UltRun 140g Woman
This minimalist-140g backpack is a revolution for women athletes! Ergonomic, it breathes over all distances, thus making it highly comfortable! 10 pockets help organize your bars, phone and gels.
Ultrun 140G Man
This minimalist-140g-weighted-bag revolutionizes back-packing! Ergonomic, it breathes over all distances, be it 20Km or 200Km, thus making it highly…

UltRun 140g Woman
This minimalist-140g backpack is a revolution for women athletes! Ergonomic, it breathes over all distances, thus making it highly comfortable! 10 pockets help organize your bars, phone and gels.
Ultrun 140G Man
This minimalist-140g-weighted-bag revolutionizes back-packing! Ergonomic, it breathes over all distances, be it 20Km or 200Km, thus making it highly comfortable! 10 pockets help organize your indispensables and carry up to 4L of liquid.

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