
Spine Bracelet


The Spine Bracelet is a unisex item from the Spine collection
designed by product designer Jón Helgi Hólmgeirsson for
Hring eftir hring. Hryggur is a design inspired by the human
spine, aiming at reflecting it’s abilities and movement.
It is made from wooden 6mm plywood vertebras that are woven
together with a black thread, allowing for the Spine's flexibi…

The Spine Bracelet is a unisex item from the Spine collection
designed by product designer Jón Helgi Hólmgeirsson for
Hring eftir hring. Hryggur is a design inspired by the human
spine, aiming at reflecting it’s abilities and movement.
It is made from wooden 6mm plywood vertebras that are woven
together with a black thread, allowing for the Spine's flexibillity.
The bracelet comes in two adjustable sizes.

  • 15.5 - 18.5 cm
  • 18.5 - 21.5 cm

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