


Seal Your Bags.

To Anna and Clara, it is important to keep food fresh to make it last longer. The sisters have created wonderful sealing clips, so you can keep small bags sealed. “Use them to seal food bags and keep your food fresh," says Clara. This bag includes 10 sealing clips in 3 assorted colours. “They come in two sizes for a better fit," Clara kindly reminds. The two sizes are 1.…

Seal Your Bags.

To Anna and Clara, it is important to keep food fresh to make it last longer. The sisters have created wonderful sealing clips, so you can keep small bags sealed. “Use them to seal food bags and keep your food fresh," says Clara. This bag includes 10 sealing clips in 3 assorted colours. “They come in two sizes for a better fit," Clara kindly reminds. The two sizes are 1.4 cm x 12 cm, as well as 1 cm x 9 cm.

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